Class Participation Comments and Questions

In ELT 110 we rely heavily on the textbook, Principles of Electric Circuits by Floyd.  It costs plenty, so we expect it to be worth the money.

Before each class you will have read the appropriate section from Principles of Electric Circuits and will have worked through its Examples, the Section Review Questions, etc.  We will focus the class on what you found interesting or difficult in the reading, the examples, and so one. That is what our class discussion time will be geared toward: discussing and explaining stuff students find interesting, stuff students find hard to understand, stuff students find surprising, and so forth.

Sometimes students are hesitant to share their questions and thoughts with classmates, so we will have a particular structure for doing this. For each class meeting, you are to fill out the question form provided here. 

Click here for the Part 1 form in WORD FORMAT.

If WORD does not work for you, you can click here for the form in HTML format and copy and paste it into your word processor.

You will turn this in at the beginning of class (later will not be accepted).  Make a copy for yourself, as you may be asked to share one of your questions with the class, or even to share your entire Commentary and Questions with the class and participate in a discussion panel.  You need two copies of Part 1—one to turn in, and one for you.

At the end of class you will discuss whether you received an answer to your own questions.

Click here for the Part 2 form in WORD FORMAT.

If WORD does not work for you, you can click here for the form in HTML format and copy and paste it into your word processor.

You will turn in Part 2 at the end of class.  You will need a pencil for this.  You will also turn in your completed Examples, Review Questions, etc. with Part 2.  You need one copy of Part 2.

Your participation grade will be based on these two forms, and on whether you shared your questions and comments with the class (the “part 3” of participation).  If you did share them, you will receive an additional grade for that.  There is no penalty if you do not do this in a given class meeting, but if you do not share your questions and comments all semester (specifically, if you do not share in at least two class meetings in the semester) then there will be a 15% reduction in your overall participation grade.

You can ask other questions and make other comments, of course. This just provides a basic structure for the class, so that we always have student-driven material to talk about.