This assignment is for students who have missed a participation credit and need to make up that zero credit.  A student may do this assignment only once.


The Robert Bellarmine Statue


Students have mentioned to me (Prof. Graney) that they did not know that Bellarmine University is named for the same Robert Bellarmine who knew Galileo, and who challenged Galileo to prove his assertions that Earth circles the sun.  There are no statues in Louisville of Galileo, or Copernicus, or Newton; but there is a statue of Robert Bellarmine!  The statue is at Bellarmine University. 


Go visit the Robert Bellarmine statue, and take a picture of yourself with the statue — holding a sign that says “PROVE IT!” — and you can replace a day of missed Participation credit for both Part 1 & Part 2.  Print it out to be turned in.


What to turn in:

·         A copy of your completed Part 1 and Part 2 forms for the day of class participation that you are making up

·         Your photo of yourself with the statue of Robert Bellarmine — holding a sign that says “PROVE IT!”