Sky & Telescope Magazine Review Project


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An interesting thing about astronomy is that it is a science that people like to do for fun, on their own free time, with their own money.  People learn about astronomy, buy and build their own telescopes and other equipment, and even do research, just for the love of it.  They are known as Amateur Astronomers—from the Latin word for “love” (“amo”).  This magazine is published for astronomy lovers. 


Your assignment is to obtain a recent copy of the magazine (no older than 2019), and look it over.  You must see an actual, old-school, paper copy of the magazine—nothing on a screen.  Look it over.


Select three articles to read.  For each article, write a discussion (400 words minimum) of why you selected that article to read, and what you learned from that article.


Also look over the advertisements in the magazine.  These are aimed at people who want to buy their own telescopes, for example, or travel to places where the skies are really dark so that they can better observe the heavens.


Select two advertisements that interest you.  For each advertisement, write a discussion (200 words minimum) of why you selected that advertisement, and what you learned from it.


What to turn in:

·         Your copy of the magazine

·         Your three article discussions

·         Your two advertisement discussions


If you are on a super-tight budget and do not want to buy a magazine, you can find these magazines at public or college libraries.  In that case, take a photo of yourself holding the magazine.  Make copies of the articles and the advertisements that you choose.  Then turn in:

·         Your photo of you with the magazine

·         Your three article discussions (with copies of each article)

·         Your two advertisement discussions (with copies of each advertisement)