UofL Public Astronomy Talk Project



The University of Louisville’s Department of Physics and Astronomy—http://www.physics.louisville.edu/holds regular public astronomy talks. 


Click here for talk information.


Your assignment is to attend one of these talks.  Arrive early.  While there, you must take photos of yourself at the meeting (four minimum).  You must also ask a question of the speaker (there will be a question session at the end of the talk).   


Then you are to write a discussion (400 word minimum) of what you learned at the talk.  You are also to write down what the question was that you asked, and what answer you received (this is to be separate from your discussion).  You must include the date, time, of the talk, the name of the speaker, and the title of the talk.


What to turn in:

·         Talk information:  Date, time, name of speaker, title of talk

·         Your 4+ photos of you at the talk

·         Your discussion of what you learned

·         The question you asked, and the answer you received.