Louisville Astronomical Society Meeting Project

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An interesting thing about astronomy is that it is a science that people like to do for fun, on their own free time, with their own money.  People learn about astronomy, buy and build their own telescopes and other equipment, and even do research, just for the love of it.  They are known as Amateur Astronomers—from the Latin word for “love” (“amo”). 


There is an organization of Amateur Astronomers in Louisville, called the Louisville Astronomical Society.  They have been in existence since 1931.  They hold regular meetings where they get together to talk about all things astronomy. 


Your assignment is to attend one of the LAS meetings.  Meeting information is on their web site: https://www.louisville-astro.org/.  Arrive early.  While there, you must take photos of yourself at the meeting (four minimum).  You must also talk to at least two members of LAS who are willing to talk (and amateur astronomers are always willing to talk—it’ll be getting them to stop talking that will be the problem!), give you their first name, and have their photo taken with you.  Ask them about why they like astronomy so much, and what sort of telescope they have (if they have one). 


Then you are to write a discussion of what you learned at the LAS meeting, including what you learned from the two members that you talked to.  Your discussion must be 700 words minimum.  You must include the date, time, and location of the meeting you attended.


What to turn in:

·         Meeting information: Date, time, location

·         Your 4+ photos of you at the LAS meeting

·         Your 2 photos of you with the LAS members that you interviewed

·         Your discussion